realm of dreams

Mind Canvass

This Shadow Dance

false reality

The Dream I Had

I was trapped in a dystopian, claustrophobic society ruled by a dictator who would 'disappear' dissentors at the slightest hint of rebellion. The resistance effort I joined, though few in numbers, met using carefully coded communications and secret spots carved out of tunnels we thought were safe.

As the dream progressed, several of my compatriots were captured and presumably killed until it was just me and another woman left. Eventually, peace officers surrounded me in an eating area, and I had to make a desparate escape. There was no way for me to evade enemey forces forever, so before I was captured, I met with my partner, and she was terrified by the inevitibility of dying. And I was filled with dread, too.

But out of nowhere this sense of profound calm came over me and, with jovial confidence, I comforted my comrade with the idea that simply surviving isn't everything. That even if one lives, they can still lose. I left our hiding spot and went to face the authorities fully accepting my end.

Then I woke up.

The Lesson I Learned

Stakes in this life can seem so high. Every mistake feels like we've blown our last opportunity to have the reality we want.

The Truth is this: our "crude matter" of flesh (ala Yoda) are really vessels for greater conscious beings. Just because one leads a materially successful life, or even just a long life, doesn't mean one has lived a Rewarding Life.

Perfection is a process, not a state of being. Evolving past pain into something is exactly the magic of Humanity.

I've wasted away years trying to be perfect and look perfect because of my upbringing and Ego. Now I have gratitude for the miracle that is my own existence. While my mental trappings still come with basic emotions (Fear, Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Love) that at times feel like breaking waves of a turbulent sea, I have an overall sense of Joy stemming from the knowledge that no matter how this existence ends, I will go on in a higher form.

I'm experiencing true freedom from The Real. And you can, too!